By this we mean a situation in which people are ready and capable of working at the prevailing wage rate but still they do not get work.
A worker is a person who is engaged in some kind of employment to earn something or to earn a living. A person who is engaged in production activity and contributes to the process of GDP through his limits.
Self employed and hired labor:-
Laborers (people who do any employment)
These are divided into two parts
Self Employed Workers
Hired Workers
Self employed laborer:-
These are those people who are engaged in their own trade or business.
A farmer who works in his own field An entrepreneur who works in his own factory
Hired laborers
These are the people who work for others. They offer their services to others and receive salary in return for the work. It is also possible that they receive salary in kind.
like a school teacher
Like small farmers in the landlord's fields
irregular and regular laborers
casual laborer
They are hired on daily wages. The employers do not employ them on regular basis, that is, they are not given daily work. They are not given social security benefits like provident fund pension.
regular laborer
Their names are written on the permanent salary list of the owners. They are entitled to social security benefits like pension and provident fund.
It has always been seen that irregular laborers are unskilled laborers, like a laborer working somewhere where a house is being built. On the contrary, a regular laborer is always a skilled laborer, like an engineer working in a factory.
Work force refers to people actually working and not to those who are willing to work (but are not working).
Workforce = Labor Force – Number of people who are not working but are willing to work.
Size of workforce in india
The workforce in India is approximately 40 crore people.
The workforce consists of approximately 70% male and 30% female workers.
About 70% of the workforce is found in rural areas and 30% in urban areas.
The percentage of female work force is around 30% in rural areas but 20% in urban areas.
Economic and social consequences of unemployment
1- Economic results
2- No use of manpower
To the extent that people remain unemployed in the country, to that extent human resources cannot be used in the country, it is a wastage of the society.
loss of production
To the extent that manpower is not utilized, there is loss of production. Unemployed people do not contribute to production even though they have the capacity to do so.
social consequences
1- Social unrest
Terrorism can arise due to many elements but the contribution of self-despair due to unemployment is no less important in it.
2- Class struggle
Unemployment divides society into rich and poor, leading to class conflict, which further promotes social unrest.
Suggestions regarding solving the problem of unemployment in India
Production technology
The technology of production should be according to the resources and needs of the country. In place of capital-intensive technology, labor-intensive technology should be used. Emphasis should be laid on the establishment of such industries from which production can start immediately.
Increase in production
To increase employment, it is necessary to increase the production of agricultural and industrial sectors in the country. The development of small and big industries should be encouraged. Foreign trade should be encouraged. The production of minerals and plantations should be increased. The more the production, the less the labor. There will be more demand and more employment opportunities.
Government policy and programs
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
This scheme was started in 2001. Its objective is to develop areas to improve the standard of living of the people in rural areas.
1- Area
2- Health
3- Housing
4- Education
5- Drinking water
6- Development of roads
Three projects have been included under-
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
Prime Minister Rural Housing Scheme
Prime Minister Rural Drinking Water Scheme
Jaiprakash Employment Guarantee Scheme
The objective of this scheme is to provide guaranteed employment in very backward districts of the country.
Prime Minister Employment Scheme-
This scheme has been created to provide employment to educated unemployed youth.
This scheme provides a loan of ₹ 100000 to a person for setting up his own enterprise and ₹ 200000 for other activities.
Development of small and cottage industries-
With the aim of eliminating poverty and unemployment, many special measures have been taken by the government for the development of small and cottage industries (through the expansion of small and cottage industries).
Minimum requirements program-
Minimum Necessity Program was implemented in the Fifth Plan to raise the standard of living of the poor people.
This program was started to improve education, rural health, rural water supply, rural roads, rural electrification, rural housing.
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA):-
Under this Act, all those persons who are willing to work at the minimum wage rate will be given work for a minimum period of 100 days. Those who want to get employment will have to reach the rural areas where the employment work is being started.
Under this scheme, in the current financial year till 14 January 2018, 4.6 crore families got employment.
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