Friday, September 29, 2023

Statistics for Economics Class 11 Notes - Chapter 2 Collection of Data

 Collection of Data

Data ( Definition ) -

    The term data refers to the quantitative information or to the technique of dealing with such quantitative information.

Sources of data -

                The main sources of data are:-
a. Internal  or published sources, and
b. External or unpublished sources.

Primary data -

           The term primary data refers to the statistical material collected by original observation, measurement or counting in the course of investigation.

 Secondary data -

        The term secondary data refers to the statistical material collected from someone else's record and not by original observations.

Method of Collecting Primary Data-

      The different methods of collecting primary data are -
a. Direct Personal Investigation.
b. Indirect Oral Investigation.
c. Schedule and Questionnaire.
d. Information collected through Local Correspondents.

Method of Collecting Secondary Data-

     Secondary data can be obtained from the following sources -
a. Government Publication.
b. Semi-Government Publication. 
c. Others publication like publication of Trade Association or Chamber of Commerce, Newspapers and Periodicals, Research Bureaus etc.

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